
01 Feb 2024

INFORS HT on the Top 10 employers of FOCUS Business

23 Jan 2024

Paul Orange joins INFORS HT as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

29 Sep 2023

INFORS HT among Top 5 Finalist for SVC Prize 2023

12 Jun 2023

Nicolas Richerdt joins INFORS HT as Chief R&D Officer

09 Feb 2023

New production line for the Techfors-S bioreactor!

24 Jan 2022

Dr Susanne Braum joins INFORS HT as Managing Director for Germany

19 Mar 2020

We remain available - use our digital communication channels

27 Jan 2020

New license structure and drivers for eve® - Easier selection and faster connection to third-party devices

03 Jan 2020

INFORS HT expands production in Switzerland

03 Oct 2019

INFORS HT launches new version of the Techfors pilot bioreactor

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