

13 Sep 20246 min read
Oxidative refolding by copper-catalyzed air oxidation consistently increases the homogeneity of a novel interleukin-2 mutein

In this study, researchers have optimized the purification of IL-2 no-alpha mutein using copper-catalyzed air oxidation. This process, using the INFORS HT Techfors pilot bioreactor, improves the homogeneity and biological activity of the IL-2 agonist, which shows promise in Phase I/II trials for cancer treatment.

12 Sep 202445 min read
Comprehensive DNA metabarcoding-based detection of non-indigenous invertebrates in recreational marinas through a multi-substrate approach

A study from CBMA-University of Minho highlights the need for diverse sampling strategies in monitoring marine non-indigenous species (NIS). Using five sample types, including hard and artificial substrates, water, and zooplankton, researchers identified 628 species, with five NIS potentially recorded in Portugal for the first time. Discover how this research advances marine biodiversity surveillance.

12 Sep 202438 min read
Rapid identification of reproductive toxicants among environmental chemicals using an in vivo evaluation of gametogenesis in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Researchers from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), have developed a high-throughput yeast assay to quickly assess the reproductive toxicity of chemicals. This innovative approach tested 179 environmental chemicals, identifying 57 with reproductive effects, and offers a promising alternative to traditional animal testing. Explore how this method could revolutionize chemical safety evaluations.

12 Sep 202428 min read
Promoting the production of challenging proteins via induced expression in CHO cells and modified cell-free lysates harboring T7 RNA polymerase and mutant eIF2α

This study from Fraunhofer IZI-BB and Freie Universität Berlin introduces innovative strategies to boost biopharmaceutical production in CHO cells. By integrating mutant eIF2 and T7 RNA polymerase, researchers achieved higher yields in cell-free protein synthesis, offering flexibility between cell-based and cell-free methods. Explore how these advancements could revolutionize the production of challenging proteins.

11 Sep 202453 min read
Autotrophic adaptive laboratory evolution of the acetogen Clostridium autoethanogenum delivers the gas-fermenting strain LAbrini with superior growth, products, and robustness

Researchers at the University of Tartu, Institute of Bioengineering used adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) to evolve Clostridium autoethanogenum into a faster-growing, yeast extract-free strain named LAbrini. This strain demonstrates improved robustness and performance in continuous bioreactor cultures, offering new potential for sustainable production of renewable chemicals and fuels.

11 Sep 202430 min read
Expression and characterization of recombinant IL-1Ra in Aspergillus oryzae as a system

In a new study, published on Springer Link, researchers produced a more stable and cost-effective interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) using Aspergillus oryzae. This alternative to E. coli-expressed IL-1Ra offers improved stability and bioactivity, making it a promising option for industrial-scale production. Explore the full findings and implications for therapeutic manufacturing.

10 Sep 202430 min read
Clostridium autoethanogenum alters cofactor synthesis, redox metabolism, and lysine-acetylation in response to elevated H2:CO feedstock ratios for enhancing carbon capture efficiency

A study conducted by LanzaTech, published in Biotechnology for Biofuels, explores how Clostridium autoethanogenum (an acetogenic bacterium) adapts to various hydrogen ratios in its feedstock. The focus of this study is to enhance carbon capture efficiency with a spotlight on CO₂ conversion. This research unveils the metabolic adaptations of C. autoethanogenum and paves the way for innovative bioengineering strategies to maximize CO₂ conversion in industrial applications.

10 Sep 202426 min read
Development of a unique rapid test to detect antibodies directed against an extended RBD of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

Researchers at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW worked to develop a rapid test that measures patient immune protection from SARS-CoV-2, resulting from prior infection or vaccination. Their work utilized INFORS HT's Techfors-S pilot bioreactor.

09 Sep 202422 min read
Chemometric tool to monitor and predict cell viability in filamentous fungi bioprocesses using chromatogram fingerprints

Researchers at Technische Universität Wien sought to develop simplified and improved methods for monitoring and predicting cell viability in bioprocesses with complex expression systems, such as filamentous fungi. Their work utilized the INFORS HT Techfors-S pilot bioreactor.

09 Sep 202435 min read
Non-inhibitory levels of oxygen during cultivation increase freeze-drying stress tolerance in Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938

This research was done by Nikhil Seshagiri Rao, Ph.D. and a team of scientists at Lund University in Sweden, published in the journal, Frontiers in Microbiology, where they utilized the INFORS HT Minifors bioreactor system with eve® bioprocess platform software to evaluate the effects of oxygen during cultivation on freeze-drying stress tolerance.

12 Sep 202445 min read
Comprehensive DNA metabarcoding-based detection of non-indigenous invertebrates in recreational marinas through a multi-substrate approach

A study from CBMA-University of Minho highlights the need for diverse sampling strategies in monitoring marine non-indigenous species (NIS). Using five sample types, including hard and artificial substrates, water, and zooplankton, researchers identified 628 species, with five NIS potentially recorded in Portugal for the first time. Discover how this research advances marine biodiversity surveillance.

12 Sep 202438 min read
Rapid identification of reproductive toxicants among environmental chemicals using an in vivo evaluation of gametogenesis in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Researchers from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), have developed a high-throughput yeast assay to quickly assess the reproductive toxicity of chemicals. This innovative approach tested 179 environmental chemicals, identifying 57 with reproductive effects, and offers a promising alternative to traditional animal testing. Explore how this method could revolutionize chemical safety evaluations.

12 Sep 202428 min read
Promoting the production of challenging proteins via induced expression in CHO cells and modified cell-free lysates harboring T7 RNA polymerase and mutant eIF2α

This study from Fraunhofer IZI-BB and Freie Universität Berlin introduces innovative strategies to boost biopharmaceutical production in CHO cells. By integrating mutant eIF2 and T7 RNA polymerase, researchers achieved higher yields in cell-free protein synthesis, offering flexibility between cell-based and cell-free methods. Explore how these advancements could revolutionize the production of challenging proteins.

11 Sep 202453 min read
Autotrophic adaptive laboratory evolution of the acetogen Clostridium autoethanogenum delivers the gas-fermenting strain LAbrini with superior growth, products, and robustness

Researchers at the University of Tartu, Institute of Bioengineering used adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) to evolve Clostridium autoethanogenum into a faster-growing, yeast extract-free strain named LAbrini. This strain demonstrates improved robustness and performance in continuous bioreactor cultures, offering new potential for sustainable production of renewable chemicals and fuels.

11 Sep 202430 min read
Expression and characterization of recombinant IL-1Ra in Aspergillus oryzae as a system

In a new study, published on Springer Link, researchers produced a more stable and cost-effective interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) using Aspergillus oryzae. This alternative to E. coli-expressed IL-1Ra offers improved stability and bioactivity, making it a promising option for industrial-scale production. Explore the full findings and implications for therapeutic manufacturing.

10 Sep 202430 min read
Clostridium autoethanogenum alters cofactor synthesis, redox metabolism, and lysine-acetylation in response to elevated H2:CO feedstock ratios for enhancing carbon capture efficiency

A study conducted by LanzaTech, published in Biotechnology for Biofuels, explores how Clostridium autoethanogenum (an acetogenic bacterium) adapts to various hydrogen ratios in its feedstock. The focus of this study is to enhance carbon capture efficiency with a spotlight on CO₂ conversion. This research unveils the metabolic adaptations of C. autoethanogenum and paves the way for innovative bioengineering strategies to maximize CO₂ conversion in industrial applications.

10 Sep 202426 min read
Development of a unique rapid test to detect antibodies directed against an extended RBD of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

Researchers at University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW worked to develop a rapid test that measures patient immune protection from SARS-CoV-2, resulting from prior infection or vaccination. Their work utilized INFORS HT's Techfors-S pilot bioreactor.

09 Sep 202422 min read
Chemometric tool to monitor and predict cell viability in filamentous fungi bioprocesses using chromatogram fingerprints

Researchers at Technische Universität Wien sought to develop simplified and improved methods for monitoring and predicting cell viability in bioprocesses with complex expression systems, such as filamentous fungi. Their work utilized the INFORS HT Techfors-S pilot bioreactor.

09 Sep 202435 min read
Non-inhibitory levels of oxygen during cultivation increase freeze-drying stress tolerance in Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938

This research was done by Nikhil Seshagiri Rao, Ph.D. and a team of scientists at Lund University in Sweden, published in the journal, Frontiers in Microbiology, where they utilized the INFORS HT Minifors bioreactor system with eve® bioprocess platform software to evaluate the effects of oxygen during cultivation on freeze-drying stress tolerance.

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